> Bostoen, K. and J. Koni Muluwa. 2011. Vowel split in Hungan (Bantu H42, Kwilu, DRC): A contact-induced language-internal change. Journal of Historical Linguistics 1: 247-268.
> Bostoen, K. and L. Mundeke. 2011. Passiveness and inversion in Mbuun (Bantu B87, DRC). Studies in Language 21: 72-111.
> Bostoen, K. and L. Mundeke. 2011. The Causative/Applicative Syncretism in Mbuun (Bantu B87, DRC): Semantic Split or Phonemic Merger? Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 32: 179-218.
> Bostoen, K. and L. Mundeke. 2012. Subject Marking and Focus in Mbuun (Bantu, B87). Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 30: 139-154.
> Bostoen, K. and J. Koni Muluwa. 2014. Umlaut in the Bantu B80 languages of the Kwilu (DRC). Transactions of the Philological Society 112 (2): 209-230.
> Koni Muluwa, J. 2010. Plantes, animaux et champignons en langues bantu. Etude comparée de phytonymes, zoonymes et myconymes en nsong, ngong, mpiin, mbuun et hungan (Bandundu, RD Congo). Bruxelles: Université libre de Bruxelles, thèse de doctorat.
> Koni Muluwa, Joseph. 2014. Noms et usages de plantes, animaux et champignons chez les Mbuun, Mpiin, Ngong, Nsong et Hungan en RD Congo. Tervuren: Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren Series for African Language Documentation and Description, Vol. 2.
> Koni Muluwa, J. and K. Bostoen. 2007. Un recueil de proverbes nsong (RD Congo, bantu B85d). Annales Aequatoria 28: 521-578.
> Koni Muluwa, J. and K. Bostoen. 2008. Noms et usages de plantes utiles chez les Nsong (RD Congo, bantu B85F). Göteborg: University of Gothenburg, Department of Oriental and African Languages.
> Koni Muluwa, J. and K. Bostoen. 2008. Un recueil de proverbes mbuun d'Imbongo (RD Congo, bantu B87). Annales Aequatoria 29: 381-423.
> Koni Muluwa, J. and K. Bostoen. 2010. Les plantes et l'invisible chez les Mbuun, Mpiin et Nsong (Bandundu, RD Congo) : une approche ethnolinguistique. Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika 21: 95-122.
> Koni Muluwa, J. and K. Bostoen. 2012. La diphtongaison dans les langues bantu B70-80 (Bandundu, RDC): typologie et classification historique. Africana Linguistica 18: 355-386.
> Koni Muluwa, J. and K. Bostoen. 2014. The Immediate Before the Verb Focus Position in Nsong (Bantu B85d, DR Congo): A corpus-based exploration. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 57: 123-135.